Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Common foreign policy

There is no common foreign policy for the European Union (see below). Consequently, it looks as if the EU won't have an agenda for the G8 in 2005. This leaves the governments of the UK, France, Germany and Italy free to pursue their own separate priorities at the top forum.

One of the UK's priorities for the G8 is climate change. Two months ago a strategy paper was published: "The United Kingdom’s national security depends on preventing the damaging effects of climate change, and on maintaining secure energy supplies at an affordable price."

In order to deal with this threat to national security, the government recommend that multilateral governance is adapted to respond better to the growing influence of non-state actors, such as business. Because business provides, directly and indirectly, all of a nation's income there is certainly an argument for giving it a say formally - nationally and internationally.

More involvement of business in governance? Perhaps the EU member countries could be encouraged to come to the G8 table with a joint position on climate change and energy?

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