Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Global rule-sets and the G8

There are huge difficulties in trying to enforce rule sets: "The U.S. is overwhelmed in Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. allies are as skeptical as ever regarding the use of force and even the government is more modest about what it "knows" after the intelligence failures since 9/11", reports the Washington Post.

However TPM Barnett's idea of official global rule-sets is worth exploring. The United States should offer to host a new Bretton Woods conference of key global leaders, recommends Clyde Prestowitz in his book Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East. Who will host a multinational conference that aims to prevent resource wars, which some think will be frequent in the 21st century?

Perhaps chairman Russia will put preventing resource wars and financial instability on the G8 agenda for this year.
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