Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Progress of renewables in providing energy security

Last month the International Energy Agency gave details of the advances towards renewable energy globally. The progress is disappointing.

"In this leaflet, we define renewables to include combustible renewables and waste (CRW), hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, tide and wave energy." The leaflet tells us that renewable energy was 13% of the total energy supplied in 2003 - the total being split oil 35%, coal 24%, gas 21%, nuclear 7%, renewables 13%.

Although continuing supplies of energy are vital, the political commitment to new forms of energy seems to be missing. The big hopes of geothermal, solar, wind, tide, and wave energy supplied only 4% of the renewable total in 2003 - and 0.5% of the energy total. On the analysis of renewables, "Combustible renewables and waste (97% of which is biomass, both commercial and non-commercial) represented almost 80% of total renewables followed by hydro (16.2%).
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